Asiwaju Asiru Idris Condemns Attacks, Commiserates With Oganenigwu Community Over Herders – Residents Crisis,


Leading APC governorship hopeful in Kogi State, Asiwaju Asiru Idris has condemned the attack on the people of Oganenigwu in Dekina Local Government, allegedly carried out by suspected Fualni herdsmen.



In a statement from his media office, the APC aspirant described the attack as distasteful, urged security agencies to comb all parts of the area and beyond to bring perpetrators to book.

He also called on traditional leaders in the area to be awakened to their responsibilities by intervening to bring the situation to an end.

Asiru, further urge all stakeholders in the area to also give urgent attention to the matter, said if he becomes the APC candidate in next weekend’s primaries and win election, promised to build on the security successes of Gov. Yahaya Bello to stop the senseless attacks.


He said the current administration has continued to work to end the insecurity in all parts of the state, noting that Asiwaju Asiru would not allow any part of the State to fall to the hands fifth columnists.

He therefore urged residents of Oganenigwu Community not to despair, stressing the need fot them to summon courage and work closely with security agencies to arrest the situation.

Asiwaju Asiru promised to continue to support all efforts to bring succour to the people of the area, commiserated with those who lost their lives and properties.

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