By Obafemi Babajide
At a time the nation became stuck in the frailties of leadership, especially vibrant, youthful and purposeful one’s; the yearnings for a Moses, who despite human shortcomings, will lead Kogi and Nigeria out of the dangerous moat, is audible to the deaf and clearer to the blind.
What is leadership and who is a leader?
Leadership is an art expressed by the demonstration of characters worthy of imitation, emulation and inspiration.
Leadership is not only the ability to take control, regulate or take charge, but it also entails leading by example; at least showing light, exhibiting a result-oriented or induced character.
A leader may wish to lead from the front, within or the back, once you make an impact or influence others positively, you will be termed a great leader no matter your age, level or social standing and affiliations.
Olobatoke Micheal Olaiya, ticks all the boxes of a creative, clever, cerebral, competent, thoughtful, serious, and purposeful leadership in youthful representation.
Mike, a good listener with no penchant for filibustering and deodorising, is the next sophisticated alternative in efficient youthful leadership.
The Kabba born philanthropist, who’s charity began from home typifies the assertion and believes that you don’t lead people by what they hear you say to them; you lead by what they see you do, simply put, your actions and inactions must not be fake or vague.
For the plus-size but swift Olaiya who cuts across party and religious lines, leadership and representation might be on it’s lowest ebb at this period but every voice deserves to be heard because every life matters.
Going by the recent EndSARS protest that rocked the nation so badly, one might not need a soothsayer to know that the leadership of the nation has to shift from a gerontocratic system to a blend of the youth and the experienced seniors.
It is also clear, that the citizens of our dear nation, will defile party, religious, gender and tribal affiliations in choosing who leads them this time.
Watch out and team up with this vibrant emerging leader, he is OBJECTIVE MATURE ORGANISED (OMO), he is the face of hope!