The world is emerging in a state-of-the-art Economy, politics and social sphere. Leaders across board also strive consistently to outstretch those tendencies.



As such, leadership isn’t about ethnic or tribal empathies anymore. It is wholly about competence and capacities, bringing aboard able-hands to handle tasks in the realm of affairs.

A goal-oriented society goes all out to engage men of foresights to turn prospects into reality. This is because, right leadership is sacrosanct to societal mien. Good leadership is futuristic, bad leadership is suicidal.

More so, leadership set-up nepotistically, or otherwise is disastrous. Therefore, grasping underlying issues and genuinely engaging cumulatively in a recruitment process is sacred.

I felt a sigh of relief having learnt in 2019 that, Mr Victor Adoji vied for a position of leadership in Kogi state, particularly in the Eastern senatorial district. Words may fail me in describing this rare personality. But We could regard his advent as professional in leadership.

I knew Mr Victor Adoji way back in 1999 at concerned Magazine. He was the deputy Editor of the famous Kano based print media outlet. As colleagues, I had ample opportunities working with him. And, our disposition towards each other was/is an attestation of the fact that Mr Victor has humanity at heart. His work related attitudes made him a spec of the media outlet. We all envied him then because of his exceptionality. A relatively reliable, humorous but uncommon personality. Everyone was fond of him in and out of job.

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At a time, Mr Victor became a voice for all and sundry. I remembered when he singlehandedly wrote the management seeking improvements in staff welfare. As a young graduate and students’ union leader, it was easier to conclude that he was head-high in ALUTA spirit. Because, as Editor, such move was entirely out of his scope of influence and concern. But in nutshell, it was cheer beneficent towards humanity.

There is so much that time may not permit me to say in the course of this writings. Mr Victor is an outstanding personality with uncommon value, yearnings and sturdiness for human race. Before he joined the banking sector in 2000 or thereabout, his footprints in the media industry were/are quite significant.

Undoubtedly, the polity is extremely fragile. The country is divided along ethnic and religious fault lines, and leadership process in most cases is more or less inclined by socio-political factors. However, the rising quests for professionals in leadership is seemingly truncating these factors. People are getting involved ideologically, and gradually, the narrative is changing. If Mr Adoji is from my place of ancestry, the Northwest, he would simply be called upon to serve considering his existing pedigree. As humans, the best we can get is when we put in the saddle, those that are capable and are willing to serve.

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It is time Nigerians consider leadership dominated by professionals. Those with proven antecedents and uncommon wherewithal backed with political will. It is time the society search inwardly and bring to fore, certified personalities for service. They live among us. They are from us and they are willing to serve. Mr Victor Adoji is a known personality that can change the narrative in any given position of leadership. With his tempting memoir, he possesses the charisma and could be considered in the class of Nigerian emerging world’s best leaders such as, Dr Okonjo-Iweala (DG, world trade organisation), Governor Zulum of Borno, Dr Charles Soludo, Governor, Emmanuel Udom etc.
I hereby call on the people of Kogi East, and the state at large to veridically approach their leadership processes so as to entrust governance in sure hands. The senatorial districts is blessed with outstanding personalities, amongst whom Mr Victor Adoji rises head-up. It is endowed with several resources (oil inclusive) that sound Legislation would inadvertently leverage to create enterprising opportunities. Currently, Igala as an ethnic group is misplaced in the 9th number of ethnic languages in the country, whereas, it has the potential to be better recognized. It also has the Largest Local government (Dekina) supposedly in West Africa. The senatorial district has the potential of becoming a state. The rising insecurity, economic and social rots also requires sound legislative system. Ibaji Oil well possesses enormous incomes (as oil producing state) which is currently been shared with an Eastern state. A sound legislation is apparently needed to position things aright. Above all, good governance is as a result of right laws that guides activities of men.

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I recommend Mr Victor Adoji for Kogi East Senatorial district any time any day. His emergence would be futuristic; keeping abreast with global trend and rejuvenating the long lost legislative prowess of the district and the Nation at large. I therefore implore Igala/Bassa Nation to look beyond ethnic, social or political affiliations and entrust this mandate to Adoji. You will never regret you did!
May Kogi East succeed.

(Write from Kano state)

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