Copulation is one of the most important things that not only provides the couples with the opportunity to express love to their better half, but also creates a connection between lovers and a form of bonding that would not have been possible if there was no opportunity to make out.
But there is this debate amongst newly married couples regarding the number of times they should meet in a month. So, in this article,we are going to examine the number of times couples should be intimate in a month according to experts. Just sit tight and learn something new from this piece.
First of all, it is important to mention that there is no answer that suits all. Love making in marriage is determinant on the health status, age, activities of the parties in the union. So there is no way of ascertaining the perfect number of times. But experts suggest that, couples should try as much as possible to meet at least once in a week; which means that they are supposed to meet upto 4 times in a month. Reason being that, love making strengthens the bond between every couple and also helps in easing stress and some other helpful roles in the body.
When there is no copulation in the marriage, it can make the relationship probe to anger, aggression, detachment and many other problems that would undoubtedly impact negatively on the marital relationship. So experts suggest that no matter the schedule, copulation should not be less than 4 times in a month unless in extreme cases where a person’s spouse is down physically.
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