Believe in the power of TIME Barr M.S Ozigi-Deedat tasks Okehi APC Stakeholders


Yesterday, the 4th of May, 2022, the Honourable Commissioner for Local Government And Chieftaincy Affairs Barr M.S Ozigi-Deedat visited his Local Government of Origin to attend an all-important stakeholders’ meeting of the rulling All Progressives Congress Party (APC). The event, which was held at the Eika Town Hall, Obangede, Okehi LGA, had in attendance past, present and aspiring leaders from the Local Government in their various capacities.



Prior to his arrival at the meeting venue, the Honourable Commissioner also called at his home town, Ihima, where he stopped by at different locations to show love in the Spirit of Eid-El Fitr celebration and comb up the Party’s unshakeable capacity.



The commissioner had in entourage, notable political leaders, including Chief M.J Ozovehe, Alhaji Idris Daniya, the duo of Alhaji Abdulwasiu Adinoyi Issah a leading house of representative aspirant for Okehi/Adavi Federal Constituency and Hon Zakariya Otokiti a house of Assembly Aspirant for Okehi Constituency amongst others.


The meeting’s agenda, which was basically, a preparatory call on the forthcoming intra and inter party electioneering activities to ascertain land slide victories at the 2023 general elections.

In the words of the Local Government leader of the party, Barrister Deedat, “APC is not just a political party, it is the party in power, and as such, it runs a system, and the system always takes charge and proposes a direction in the overall interest of all.”

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Having acquainted party faithfuls with the directions of the system at this time, the Honourable Commissioner implore all that are resentful in a way or the other, to believe in the power of TIME and put in their very best to the successes that will be recorded ahead.

I the same vein, the Executive Chairman of the Local Government, Honourable Abdulrahim Ohiare assured the Honourable Commissioner and the gathering, that he will follow up to peacefully tighten all loose ends with the aspirants in the best interest of the party.

The Honourable Commissioner alongside the Wasiu Issah Network (WIN) team, also made a courtesy visit to a delegation of Adavi Local Government APC Stakeholders as received by the Executive Chairman, Honourable Joseph Omuya Salami and his immediate council cabinet members, women supporters and elder statesmen in the atmosphere of Sallah celebration, and political rendition ahead of polls.

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With the momentous agility and readiness showcased by the teeming party faithfuls, there is no gainsaying that the All Progressives Congress is a party that will yet, clear the seats across board, in landslide victories.

Enero Rufai Sule.
S.A Media to the Honourable Commissioner.

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