Female wear chain on their legs as a means of fashion, but it also signify individual factor that only the people that wears it understand.
In Nigeria, it may signify prostitution or some sort of spiritual representation. This article shows some things you may likely experience if you are dating a lady with chains on her leg. As a man you have to understand what the chain on the leg of your girlfriend signify really mean maybe to know if you are not dating a prostitute. There is myth in Nigeria that girls with chain on their leg are mermaid or they into some evil spiritual activities. This fact is not proven yet, but you have to be on the safe Side.
1.Being prayerful : Prayer help to boost someone’s spiritual life and protect individual from spiritual attack.
2.Don’t intend to have sex with a lady that has chain on her leg until you really know what the chain mean.
Anyways, this article is not against the use of leg chain, it is just to inform the reader about the current meaning people suggest for the use of leg chain in Nigeria. Just as women wearwedding bands and engagement rings on their right or left ring finger, ankle bracelets once symbolized marital status. Historically, anklets were a gift from the groom to the bride to make their nuptials official and known to the world..
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you are right because “majority of them are demonic, satanic and have marine spirit” controlling them. So men “married or not married” should be careful.More
If u date a girl with chains in her leg ,you better be care full .She will never disclose d real implication of it to any man that has relationship with her .More
please avoid them
it depends on how you take it, it’s fashion