Unban Twitter For the sake of those that depend on it for their livelihood – Hon. T.J. Yusuf

Hon. T. J. Yusuf, Member Representing Kabba Bunu Ijumu Federal Constituency was on Channels TV airs his views on Twitter Ban, According to the Lawmaker:


” It’s important to first state that there’s a process by which a tweet gets taken down and it’s not something that’s done with bias or indiscriminately.


Twitter offers an avenue for Nigerians, especially the youth to reach out to the world for various reasons, ranging from networking, a way to make money, quick source of information, etc.


In a time like this when our economy is in shambles, we should not be restricting a legitimate channel that affords young people a source of living, and yet here we are.

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It is ironic that this same government came into power capitalising on the benefit and reach of this same social media but has deemed it fit to relegate it. Not to mention the uncharitable comments made from their camp on the previous administration.

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