I want to encourage you this season to have ears open and in tune with what the Spirit of God is saying that might involve a fresh perspective on a familiar story (the Christmas story).
This Christmas season, I sensed the Holy Spirit tell me to stop waiting for a move of God, but rather, start moving TOWARDS God in a new way. Christmas powerfully reminds us of how God has already moved towards mankind.
• The Incarnation, God Himself entering the womb of a virgin Jewish girl named Miriam (Mary), and being born in the most humble of conditions.
• The Cross, specifically the torn temple veil. That supernatural act declared, loud and clear, that the wall of separation was removed and that the Divine Presence was accessible by those who received the Messiah’s atoning work.
• Finally, Pentecost. This was the ultimate “move of God,” where the Holy Spirit changed addresses, so to speak. He came to live within and dwell among people.
So God has moved. Scripture affirms it and History confirms it!
If this is true, why aren’t we seeing more? Why is it that history has been marked, time after time, by what we called “revival” or “awakening”?
God has moved towards man; I am convinced, however, that the same God is waiting, seeking, looking for man to move TOWARDS HIM.
Merry Christmas.
Dr Abu Moses.