Kabba/Bunu/Ijumu Constituency come 2023: Leader Okun Youth Organisation Rallys Support for Hon. Alaga Tokunbo Olorundami


A prominent leader of the Okun Youth Organisation, Abdulrau’f says Hon. Alaga Tokunbo Olorundami stands as a reputable aspirant for House of Representatives seat for Kabba/Bunu/Ijumu domain come 2023.

In a message he pen down for people of the Constituents, he described Hon. Alaga Tokunbo Olorundami as accessible, God fearing, trustworthy, transparent, vibrant, credible, humble, original, and law abiding, says he has all it takes to offer quality represention.

According to the the Youth Leader, ” We need a candidate who can dream, and who is bold enough to take that dream and make it into something real and profound. We need aspirant of enterprises, like simple- oriented- Tokunbo, who can offer new paradigms, new framework that can shape and address problems that currently exist in Okunland, and in this nation generally.

” Hon. Alaga Tokunbo is bold enough and willing to dream the greatest dreams of all- the dream to take kabba/bunu /ijumu Constituency out of political shackle, to state of an eldorado.

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” Firstly, an Aphorism says, “behold a turtle, it does not make a move until it stick its neck out”. No one can stop the sun from rising when the time reaches. No amount of candidates can stop our candidacy. The coast is now cleared and everyone knows the right from wrong.

” We are rightly informed that political elections are the sure foundation of democratic society to provide legitimacy to the government. Also, they are meant to give reasonable opportunity to the entire citizens to participate in the democratic process from the perspective of electioneering process and candidate eligibility and qualifications.

” As permutation of election in 2023 continue to draw closer, we must endeavour to vote for people that are considered as honest, with moral visions, concerned with clues of solving our social problems, in okunland, and will not syphon the commonwealth of the nation, into his private copher.


” After my logical appraisal, reappraisal, and out of the very many wishers, for house of representative struggle, Honourable Alaga Tokunbo Olorundami, stands as a reputable aspirant for house of representative Kabba/Bunu/Ijumu domain. This young vibrant man with wide orientation and aspiration is committed to building a qualitatively better community, based on the principle of democracy, human right and moral justice under the rule of law. He is a rare charismatic, and committed to the transformation of human course and equality representation. He (Hon. Tokunbo) is unanimously steadfast in this struggle for a better governance in his federal constituency, state, and Nigeria at large.

” Aye the man of humanitarian epitome, integrity, adept, talented, prudence, vision, and accountability. Support a man that is devoted to selfless- service, and developmental cautious – minded.


” The reasons for the generation of the above is to produce a leadership that would be accessible, God fearing, trustworthy, transparenncy, vibrant, credible, humble, original, and law abiding.

” We need candidate who can dream, and who is bold enough to take that dream and make it into something real and profound. We need aspirant of enterprises, like simple- oriented- Tokunbo, who can offer new paradigms, new framework that can shape and address problems that currently exist in Okunland, and in this nation generally. Hon. Alaga Tokunbo is bold enough and willing to dream the greatest dreams of all- the dream to take kabba/bunu /ijumu Constituency out of political shackle, to state of an eldorado.

” As you move, we move together”, he concluded.



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