Esan Forum In Edo Assembly Congratulates Deputy Speaker, Others




The Forum of Esan workers in the Edo State House of Assembly on Wednesday congratulated the Deputy Speaker, Maria Edekor on her emergence as the the deputy Speaker of the house.

The Forum also congratulated other Edo central lawmakers on their victory in the just concluded house of assembly election in the state.

The Spokesperson for the Esan forum, Mrs Sarah Okhuoya said they came to felicitate with the deputy speaker and other Edo central lawmakers and identify with them haven come from the same senatorial district.

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Okhuoya while praying for the success of the lawmakers in eight assembly, urged the deputy speaker and her colleagues to give quality representation to their various constituencies.

Responding on behalf of other lawmakers from Edo Central, the Deputy Speaker, Maria Edekor, thanked them for the visit and told the staff that their welfare would be taken seriously.

Edekor disclosed that the leadership of the house was proposing a technical reform in the assembly that would make them ICT compliant.

“Reforms are not bad. What we are proposing is to make you better than your contemporaries in the ministry and in the Judiciary.

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” Do not think that you will lose your jobs as a result of the reform. Disabuse your minds about retrenchment. We are here to protect you and help you rediscover yourselves technically,” she said.

Similarly, Members of the Edo House of Assembly Correspondents from various Media houses, covering the house’s activities also visited the deputy Speaker to familiarize themselves with her.

The Deputy Speaker, while responding to the media practitioners, acknowledged that the media was critical to the success of any government.

According to him, we are happy that you are here. You are critical stakeholders. If you are not here to project us, nobody would know what we are doing here.

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Highpoints of the visits were the presentation of congratulatory cards to the deputy Speaker and other Edo central lawmakers.

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