Leaders in our National, States and Local Government Areas’ polity should develop the POLITICAL WILL for FOOD SECURITY and GOOD GOVERNANCE to kick hunger out of Nigeria and avert another Hunger protest in the nearest future.
Let’s kick poverty out of our nation.
Nigeria will survive.
Democratic Peoples Congress (DPC) Vision, Mission, Core Values, Manifesto
Manifesto of the Democratic Peoples Congress
Our Vision
The DPC is a party welded together by patriotism and voluntary desire.
It shall establish and consolidate its position to be the leading political force in Nigeria and shall continue to be a constructive organization in which participatory democracy shall be maintained.
Our Mission
To pursue a policy of equality, justice, liberty, solidarity, peace, political, economic and social progress and prosperity for the good people of Nigeria.
Core Values
Political and social progress/ economic prosperity
Justice and Liberty
We believe that mere good fortune or oil and other natural resources is not sufficient to make our country successful.
The truth is that it is good resource management, modesty and good stewardship that will get us to where we want to go. Since resources alone do not develop a country. We will strive to ensure that we will manage to stretch the meager resources that we are blessed with to the extent where Nigeria will benefit and
Benefit and continue to benefit from development. As we advance into the future we shall pursue aggressive policies to take Nigeria to yet greater heights:
The following are our promises to you:
3.1 An Educated, Informed Nation Education is still our number one priority and shall remain so in years to come as we transform from a resource based economy to a knowledge based one.
The DPC government shall continue to provide modern infrastructure and trained teachers for delivery of better education.
There is need to drive fundamental reform in primary and secondary education- more teachers and support staff, more money to support primary schools and support delivery of curricula at various stages.
Create counterpart funding from the National level for primary and secondary schools to create a level playing field all across our country. Our plan now is to tailor our education system to produce job ready and industry relevant graduates.
Of course to achieve our intended goals there should be a partnership between the government, the parents, the learners themselves and the teachers.
A DPC government will identify critical areas of our economy where we lack expertise and provide scholarships and fellowships to our citizens to acquire relevant skills.
4. Nigeria should become an education hub and therefore attract learners from within the region and beyond. We are convinced that the future of this country will depend on the quality of the citizen we produce.
We shall therefore:
4.1.1 Expand access and improve quality at primary, secondary and tertiary levels.
Set up a National Education Council whose mandate will be to review the
Education system on an ongoing basis.
Inculcate the values inherent in democracy, development, discipline and dignity Through education.
4.1.2 Inculcate in Nigeria the spirit of lifelong learning for self-betterment.
4.1.3 Implement the Tertiary Education Policy and strive to expand access to tertiary education.
4.1.4 Develop a National Qualifications Framework, and place Nigeria among the leading players in Regional Qualification Framework
Integration and Quality Assurance.
4.1.5 Integrate the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) and educational technologies and make these more accessible throughout the formal and informal education sectors.
4.1.6 Improve a culture of research and development as well as the culture of reading.
4.2 A Prosperous, Productive, and Innovative society
4.2.1 Agriculture
The DPC Government recognizes the importance of agriculture in the economy of Nigeria because it contributes significantly to incomes of the majority of the population in rural areas.
The DPC is committed to facilitating agricultural development in both sectors through research, infrastructure provision and better training, re-sourcing and deployment of extension workers.
We shall therefore:
5.1 Increase agricultural production and improve on the national food
Security situation; by providing seeds, fertilizer, draft power, cluster fencing, water development, and Agricultural Service Centers.
ii. Develop a livestock water programme for small herd owners in communal areas. iii. Promote the establishment of marketing boards to solve the problems of waste of agricultural produce and develop market for our agricultural products.
5.2. Sustainable Tourism
The DPC Government recognizes tourism as one of the areas in the economy that contribute to employment and economic diversification. We recognize also that this sector still has a lot of potential for growth.
We also recognize that crime and poor infrastructure are major hindrance to the growth of our tourist industry.
It is important that Nigeria appreciate the value of natural resources with which our country is endowed.
To this end we shall therefore:
Conserve and protect all the natural resources upon which this sector is dependent.
Promote eco-tourism which is a new sub-sector which has potential for growth.
Improve National Rural Sanitation and upgrade the same of urban areas. Trash is a turn off for any tourist.
Work closely with communities to promote the concept of Community Based Natural Resources Management activities nationwide.
5.2.1 Information & Communication
Technology Information and Communication Technology plays an important role in the attainment of Nigeria’s development goals.
In order to link development of telecommunications industry with government overall development policies, three overarching objectives shall be pursued.
Universal access
Efficient services
We shall therefore:
Create conditions and incentives for provision of widest possible access to ICT.
Enable the private sector and civil society to participate in provision of affordable ICT infrastructure, products and services.
Support youth programmes related to ICT skills development and acquisition.
Promote e-government.
Create technology parks and or innovation centres.
Facilitate opportunity for human resource development and lifelong learning through and on ICT.
Continue to extend telecommunications coverage project, mobile telephony and improved radio and television signal.
5.2.2 Housing
We recognize that a roof over one’s head is important for the dignity of every human being and to this end we shall do everything possible to achieve this bare necessity. Consistent with our philosophy, housing will include direct government intervention at Federal, State and Local Government levels.
We shall therefore:
Continue to explore programmes that will improve access to housing for low income earners and lower middle class income earners.
Promote home ownership.
Further expand installations of running water, electricity and sanitation in homesteads.
Review and increase FHA loans for improvement of structures.
Promote private sector participation in financing and delivery of low income housing.
Continue to engage major financial institutions to come up with innovative financial packages to make credit accessible for housing.
Continue to promote rural housing and continue to review housing schemes such as FHA to ensure their continued relevance.
Assist Federal Housing Authority so that it can have wider outreach and coverage across the length and breadth of the country.
We shall introduce bachelor / single housing schemes to respond to and cater for the youth.
Assist first time buyers to access FHA installment purchase scheme.
Improve public housing for both Federal and local public officers.
5.2.3 Public Service
6. The Nigerian Public Service is a major contributor in the development of our country.
We shall therefore:
Continue to seek out appropriate improvements to productivity.
Train personnel to better deliver.
Reward high performance.
6.1 Public Works
The DPC recognizes the importance of public works programmes as a
vehicle of development and job creation.
To this end, we shall:
Expand and continue to rehabilitate our national Roads and Rail network.
6.2. Trade and Industry
The DPC recognizes that prosperity of a nation depends on the productivity and competitiveness of its enterprises. It is therefore, necessary to facilitate development and growth of a private sector that is dynamic, outward looking, efficient and internationally competitive. We shall therefore; Continue to develop local entrepreneurship to ensure Nigeria participate meaningfully in economic activities.
Increase local enterprise participation in the economy and in international markets through access to upstream and downstream opportunities afforded by major public and private sector projects.
Continue to improve the business environment by removing any administrative, bureaucratic and regulatory impediments to business, exports and private sector development.
Promote manufacturing that is based on the use of Nigeria’s primary products.
6.3 A Compassionate Just and Caring Nation
6.3.1 Non-Governmental Organisations
7. The DPC strongly recognizes the contribution of no-state actors like community-based organizations (CBOs), faith-based organizations (FBOs) and civil society groups commonly referred to as
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as partners in national development. They are also critical and will continue to be relevant in strengthening the capacity of government institutions and other stakeholders to develop and expand various community-based services in a sustainable way.
We shall therefore:
Work with NGOs as our partners in development and nation building.
Formulate the necessary policy to ensure that NGOs continue to work openly and freely in Nigeria.
Identify those NGOs that are suitable to perform certain tasks in partnership with or on behalf of the government.
Financially support qualifying NGOs to enable them to discharge vital social or community duties to the grassroots
Keep open a dialogue between government and relevant NGOs on specific topics of national interest.
7.1 Social Welfare
The DPC continues to recognize the importance of providing social welfare programmes as a strategy to combat disadvantage; i.e. illness, disease, violence, injury or disability, poverty, homelessness, domestic strife, being orphaned.
We shall therefore:
Promote our policies that ensure that these vulnerable groups are cared for.
Ensure that our social welfare schemes such as the Old Age pension scheme designed for the aged and the vulnerable in our society are established and where necessary improved.
We shall ensure that health, education, and other social amenities are available to the needy in our society
7.1.1 Health Policy
We are committed to providing quality health care services to Nigeria. The DPC further commits to investing significantly in the health sector.
We shall therefore:
Invest in the provision of health facilities with the necessary human resources in all parts of the country.
Develop medical schools which shall become centres of excellence for the region and beyond and produce health personnel and research of the highest quality.
Continue to provide and expand HIV/AIDS testing, counseling and therapy.
Actively promote cleaner environment and aggressive malaria prevention programmes.
Welcome and encourage private sector participation in the health sector.
Develop strategies for the retention of highly trained medical personnel.
Develop policies to ensure privacy of medical records of patients in Nigerian hospitals.
7.1.2 Labour Relations
The harmonious labour relations that are the hallmark of our economic development shall be nurtured through a true partnership between the government, the employer and the employee. We shall therefore:
Nurture the relationships among all stakeholders in the labour sector.
Ensure the resolution of labour disputes through dialogue and not confrontation.
Endeavour to ensure that our judicial system especially the Industrial Court is sufficiently resourced to enable it to dispose labour disputes expeditiously.
Comply with our obligations under the ILO conventions.
Resource our Labour Ministries in all parts of the Country to enable it to carryout regular workplace inspections to protect the rights of the workers.
7.1.3. A Safe and Secure Nation
The security of Nigerians and their property is of paramount importance to the DPC. The DPC reaffirms its commitment to protect and provide a conducive environment safe for the current and future generations.
We shall therefore:
7.1.4. Continue to resource our security apparatus to effectively defend
and protect our sovereignty, our lives and our properties, from both
internal and external threats.
7.1.5. Engage communities throughout the country in order to reduce crime.
7.1.6. Improve speed of litigation and reduce backlog of cases in order to ensure that criminals are dealt with expeditiously.
7.1.7. Continue to find remedies to reduce or eliminate criminals acts such as the killing of women, rapes, armed robberies and other violent crimes.
7.1.8. Continue to equip and provide resources to enable our law enforcement agencies to deal with crime.
7.1.9. Continue dialogue with the nation to reduce the abuse of alcohol and drugs, which is one of the causes of crime and other negative social trends.
7.1.10 Establish special courts to deal with specific crimes e.g.
corruption, robbery e.t.c.
7.2. Democratic and Accountable Nation
7.2.1. Democracy
The DPC believes in and shall hold democracy steadfastly, not just as a method of electing the government but as a way of life. We believe in the right of the individual to hold a view however different to ours.
We shall therefore:
Defend and deepen all the pillars of our democracy.
Ensure that free and fair elections for local state and Federal government are held regularly in accordance with our constitution and other laws.
Protect the right of individuals at the community level to exercise their choice of who their local leadership should be. Promote a free and responsible media.
Allow and promote open debate.
7.3 Local Government
Local authorities ensure the delivery of services and amenities such as roads, clinics, schools at the very local or community level.
These must, therefore, be properly resourced to enable them to deliver on that all important mandates.
The DPC shall therefore work towards legislation that will:
Decentralize the provision of services to the local authorities so that they can deliver goods, services, and amenities that our people expect from them.
Devolve appropriate powers to the local leadership.
Regularly review the distribution and location of local authorities.
7.4 Foreign Policy
The DPC pursues cordial relations with all nations. We believe in the sovereignty of states.
We shall therefore:
Pursue the policy of peaceful co-existence with other nations.
Respect the sovereignty of all nations.
Be active members of ECOWAS and African Union.
Contribute in accordance with our capability to international peace making and peace keeping.
Abide by international obligations.
7.5 A Moral and Tolerant Nation
The fabric of a good society is made of persons who respect the rights of others.
In a society in which there is a total breakdown of law, order. Respect and compassion is as good as dead.
Our democracy is premised on tolerance and our ability to respect others’ opinions and beliefs.
We shall therefore:
Engage religious organisations, traditional leaders, elders in promoting an appropriate moral code of conduct.
Promote and protect the civil liberties of all in accordance with the Constitution of Nigeria.
7.6 A United and Proud Nation
Nigeria is a culturally and religiously diverse nation.
The DPC will always recognize, protect and promote the rights and dignity of all. Paramount to all of this, however, is our nationhood, our togetherness which regardless of which community, grouping tribe one comes from we all place at the pinnacle of our unity. Our unity as a nation, even as diverse as we are, is the glue that binds us.
We shall therefore:
Defend and promote the right of all in their communities to speak their language, enjoy their traditional practices and promote their culture so long as in doing so they do not disrespect the rights of others.
Continue to celebrate our unity in diversity, Promote cultural exchanges and cross cultural appreciation.
Provide resources for the enhancement of sports and recreation.
The DPC has a pool of able leaders within its membership to take Nigeria to greater heights and is ready to lead the country in both good and hard times, and deliver on our contract with the nation.
Solid Minerals.
The DPC will work to create an enabling environment for the exploration and exploitation of our solid mineral sector.
Since nothing moves in a modern age without Power we shall ensure that blackout become a thing of the past. We shall improve generation of electricity. This is our solemn pledge to the Nigerian people.
Economic diversification efforts to include agriculture at both
the subsistence and commercial levels to fight poverty and
Mobilize the necessary resources for the realization of these promises to you.
Be tolerant, democratic and promote constructive advice.
Listen to you, the voters by holding public consultations in line with our Party policy of Consultation.
Accelerate public sector reforms and forge strong partnership with the private sector and civil society.
Adhere to the highest levels of good and accountable governance as a prerequisite for success.
Pursue sound economic policies in order to attain high levels of economic development as well as prosperity for all.
Intensify and accelerate efforts to improve the implementation and monitoring of policies and programmes.
Dr. Onaji Frank Amb. Becky Undezi
National Chairmen National Secretary