1. Have a common activity that they do together
This is so important if you want to keep any relationship intact and knit together. Create those activities that will allow the two of you to share a common space and work yourself out.
In the midst of other schedules, happy couples create activities that they do together and this in a way keeps them together. Some will embark on a common projects and even before the project ends, their relationship has grown to another level and they have achieved something as well.
2. Complimenting each other more often
Everyone needs to be complimented and as much as women love to hear compliments from men, men also love to hear their partners complimenting them on anything. Remind your partner of how beautiful she is of how handsome they are and continuously affirm them of this fact. This constant assurance gives your partner the confidence that the love you have for him or her is still genuine and intact.
3. Showing gratitude for everything they do
This is another culture cultivated by happy couples that you know of. Don’t take anything your partner does for you for granted because you don’t know the effort they had to use to make it happen. Tell them thank you every other time and you will see them even go an extra mile with an effort to make you happy. Happy couples actually cultivate an environment of gratitude and appreciation to their partners and that is what keeps their relationship.
4.Spoiling your partner
Happy Couples are constantly in the habit of spoiling each other in one way or another. When you stay with your partner, you become aware of the things they like and try your best to make it up to them. If she loves it when you cook for her sometimes, then do it once in a while. Just get to identify their interests and make them happy and your relationship will never grow cold.
5. Doing retreats together as a couple
This may sometimes involve a geographical change of environment for the two of you. Most people only have retreats together as a couple when the relationship is new and forget about it when the relationship grows older. Happy Couples never forget the first love for each other. Go for trips together and just restore that first love because that is the secret recipe that happy couples use to maintain their friendship even after many years of being together.
6. Taking breakfast together
Do you start your day together as a couple or you even don’t get to see each other in the morning. If you don’t get to start your day together as a couple, then the relationship is likely going to grown cold with time.
The breakfast meal is a very important meal that couples should ensure they have together. This will also allow you to see your partner off to work and you will be the first and last person he or she will remember throughout his or her day. I know sometimes it may not be convenient because of the different schedules but trust me it is worth the effort.
7. Texting your partner sweet things in the cause of the day
Even when the two of you are physically apart during the day, there is still room for the two of you to connect emotionally and you can make your partner actually think about you the whole day by just sending them a sweet message. That simple text will lighten up his or her day and they will feel loved and cared for.
Do you know of any other things that happy couples do that makes them happy? Share with us what some of these things are on the comment section below and also don’t forget to like and share this article.
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