Advocacy Group Presents Award of Excellence On Proficiency Management, Leadership To Clerk Kogi House Of Assembly In Northern Nigeria.


The Advocacy group has recognized the Clark, Kogi State House of Assembly, Alh. Ahmed Sule Chogudo, FCNA, FCTI, as the most outstanding, competent, quintessential and renowned Clerk of House Of Assembly, in Northern Nigeria.


The award is in recognition of his vast expertise, experience in accounting, as a quintessential forensic accountant, financial advisor and a seasoned parliamentarian.

Similarly the award was in recognition of his Administrative sagacity, an accountant per excellence and sound financial boardroom guru.

The Advocacy group said the administrative strategist of the Clark, his global recognition on youth development necessitated the award urged him to sustain the feat.

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The Advocacy group described the Clark as intellectually fertile, trans generational philanthropist of international standard, praised him for his massive youth employment and empowerment.

The Clark was described as a highly detribalised Nigerian who’s mentorship and leadership qualities, financial investment as a technocrat has made the Clark a proficient manager of human & resources.

The Advocacy group described the Clark as a passionate promoter of harmonious and peaceful co existence in ebira nation, said he is an astute politician and above all a youth and peace Ambassador, congratulated the Clark for coming top in the North Zone of Nigeria.


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