Ada Jesus Did Not Die Because She Insulted Pastors, She Died Because Of An Illness— Man Writes


Popular Nigerian Comedienne Ada Jesus has died of kidney failure after two days of marking her birthday. Confirming the news on Wednesday, Harrison Gwamnishu who led grow up of Nigerians that took Ada Jesus to the hospital told BBC news this afternoon that the comedienne has lost the battle against kidney disease yesterday night. She died following cardiac arrest according to a doctors report.

Few hours after announcing her death, however, some people started attributing her death to a feud she had with a popular Nigerian pastor recently. Recall that Ada Jesus came out to accuse Edochie and Pastor Odumeje of performing fake miracles. Months after that accusation, the comedienne fell ill and was diagnosed with a kidney problem that left her paralysed. It has been said that the ailment was a result of her accusation against the prophet and even her family took her to the church to seek forgiveness.

However, a Twitter user identified simply as Everest clears the air about her death. According to him, Ada did not die because she insulted pastor Odumeje, she died due to the kidney illness she has been battling for a long time. Everest mentioned that her illness is a normal illness that affects both young and old people. He however lamented that the poor health care system contributed to her death because with a good health care delivery system, Ada may have been alive by now.

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Check out his post below:







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    • mikmorrow51min

      One more Saddest day of my Entire life After my Mother’s death in 1968. I pray this news is not TRUE. Hello GOD WHERE ARE YOU?? I WEEP.

    • GUEST_abLGbbrYL55min

      Rip Ada I will forever miss you ??? sorry you didn’t make it ??????


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