Group condemns attack on Gov. Ortom … Described action as sad, cowardly, wicked plan and condemns the act in strong terms.


We Are United Nigeria Movement , has condemned the assassination attempt on the Governor of Benue State, Samuel Ortom.

Gov. Ortom was ambushed by gunmen suspected to be Fulani bandits along Tyo-MU Makurdi/Gboko road on Saturday. He was allegedly attacked by over 15 gun-wielding herdsmen while inspecting his farm near Makurdi. He escaped death narrowly.

Reacting to the attack, the movement described the broad daylight attempt to cut short the life of the governor as shocking and a rude awakening.

We are United Nigeria Movement in their statement empathizes with the governor and the people of Benue State on the sad, dastaly act and condemns it, Nigeria must be United and such act of terrorism which will affect the United of the Nation must not encourage by any one, Nigeria must be United.

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The statement reads: “All hands must be on deck to uncover the identities of those involved in this heinous crime.

“Only recently, the brother of one of the former governors of the state was mowed down in cold blood. This dishonourable and shameful act of resorting to violence, for whatever reason, to eliminate citizens of Benue State by brutal means must not continue.

The statement urged Nigerians not to allow evil to triumph over good in Benue and anywhere in this country, adding that not only would evil doers fail in their wicked acts, they would be traced and punished for their crimes, no matter how long it would take.

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The Movement described the assassination attempt on Ortom of Benue State as an invitation to anarchy warned that “any deliberate attempt to harm any Nigerian will be viewed by the Movement as an attempt on all Nigerians.”

The Movement reminded the Federal Government of its primary responsibility of securing the nation, especially since it controls military forces.

We Are United asked security operatives to step up to the task of securing lives and property to avoid resort to self-help, described the security situation in the country as scandalous and making Nigeria a subject of ridicule before other nations.

The statement concluded by saying: “If a state governor can be so brazenly attacked, what would they not do to ordinary citizens.

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While urging Ortom not to be deterred by the incident, We Are United Nigeria Movement advised citizens to be security conscious at all times and to provide useful information to security operatives on activities believed to be unlawful or anti-society.

Hon Felix Tolurunju Idowu

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