It is God who had made the passing away of human however old or young scornful and painful and irrespective of the deceased’s death-condition we showcase, display and uncontrollably exhibit heavily in tears and sobber sounds of hopelessness and helplessness. It is like the tradition of that day, ruling speedily and heart-breakingly.
The deceased is found lying helplessly by everyone who checks on he or she as regards last respect. The immediate family of the deceased is soaked in weakness and have their dead most-cherished one attended to by total strangers while scorning in sorrowful-imbroglio from far.
The unfamiliars who admire you from far also mourn you from far. Some find it worthy to participate in your transformation or stationing into death-hood by assisting diggers, criers, fillers with man-power.
The boiling points of the hearts of your loved ones and associates becomes roughly and toughly deep. Their sorrows are classified orphanically speedy to it peak as their hearts form the ground which the diggers and shovels penetrate to create a perpetual home for you.
The pain of the day becomes you and it supersedes other trying pains. Be rest assured we will all experience this beautiful stationing.
Joen Sadiq