Samson Osagie Greets Christians In Easter

By Ikhili Ebalu, Benin City

Former Minority Whip in the House of Representatives , Hon Samson Osagie has admonished all  to emulate Christ who suffered for us to have a good life.

The honourable member in his  Easter message to the people advised  all to emulate Christ
who shed His precious blood for our salvation.

Osagie,  urged all to remember  Easter marking the  Triumphant entry of Christ to Jerusalem, the Crucifixion of Christ on the Cross of Calvary and His eventual Resurrection.

He prayed that, ” God’s favour, endurance, patience and tolerance abide with us as we await God’s glorification in our individual and collective lives.
“Easter is the celebration of Christ endurance of pain and death for the remission of our sins.He shed His precious blood for our salvation. It symbolizes the victory of good over evil, truth over lies, God over the world and success over failure.

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“Let us be patient and enduring in our endeavors. Let us be faithful in our beliefs and be loyal in our commitment to God and one another.
“he  pray God almighty will not only bless us this Easter and beyond, but give us a sense of direction that we may not stumble, a sense of loyalty that we may not derail and betray one another.

Adding that, “Others may laugh at us today, so was death when  Christ was sentenced and crucified, but alas Christ triumphed over death when on the third day He resurrected from the grave thereby proving death wrong as incapable of keeping him in the grave. This is the justification of Christians today.


He prayed, ” God almighty bless all and  their family this Easter and always in the mighty name of the risen Christ Jesus. So let’s give God thanks for His favor, protection, peace, grace and Mercies upon us to this day. End

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