Kogi @ 31: Hon. Uchola Reps Flagbearer Idah Federal Const Felicitates with Constituents, Kogites.


The PDP Flagbearer for Idah federal Constituency has sent message of Felicitations to the people of Idah federal Constituency and People of the state on the occasion of the states anniversary of creation.


Hon. Uchola Ojogbane Omale In a statement issued to Newmen, said it is with great pleasure and profound gratitude to God Almighty that I, heartily felicitates with citizens of Kogi State over the 31st Anniversary celebration of the state.

“I hereby join millions of well-wishers of Kogi State to felicitate with Kogi State Executive Council led by His Excellency, Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello, the State Traditional Council led by our Distinguished Royal Father, His Royal Majesty Matthew Opaluwa Oguche-Akpa, The Attah Igala (AGABAIDU), the State Legislative Council, the State Judicial Council National Assembly members, Local governments Chairmen and the entire citizens on this auspicious and historic moment of the birth of the state.

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“Permit me to use this opportunity to also admonish all and sundry that, though Kogi state may not be at the level all of us desired and envisaged right from its creation, there is hope for a better Kogi. Let no one loose hope at this stage because something better is coming in the days ahead and I wish us a brighter future and a better and prosperous Kogi State”.

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