Hypertension is a medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is above 140/90 mmHg. This can be treated naturally or without medication. However, to avoid any side effects it is better to choose the natural way.
High blood pressure is very common, it usually does not have any symptoms. But it can lead to serious health issues, it can damage your heart, brain, kidneys, eyes and even result in death.
If you successfully maintain your blood pressure with health habits, you might avoid or reduce the need for medication.
Here are several natural solutions, which lowers your blood pressure.
1.Lemon juice. Just squeeze one lemon in a glass of water and consume in the morning on an empty stomach. Thus will improve digestion, protect the walls of the vessels, hydrate the body and relax the blood vessels. Also, it provides a natural source of potassium which is a natural sodium redactor.
2.ACV and baking soda. For this method mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a pinch of baking soda in a glass of warm water. You can consume two glasses per day but it is essential that you drink it on an empty stomach. Apple cider vinegar is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and other nutrients that protect the artery walls. Baking soda regulates blood pressure and the PH levels.
3.Bananas. Bananas are rich in potassium and they regulate the sodium levels and lower and lower the blood pressure. Therefore, to maintain your health consume two healthy bananas daily.
4.Garlic. It has potent medicinal properties and has the ability to regulate cholesterol and reduce the blood pressure. Garlic is highly nutritious, it contains sulphur like allicin which naturally stimulates the production of nitric oxide. Therefore, it is best to consume two cloves of raw garlic every day.
Let’s talk about it
hypertension is a sign of under lining problem which needs to be diagnosed first