Hon. Shaba Ibrahim Mourns Passing Away of Rear Admiral Ibrahim Idrisu.


The Member Representing Lokoja/Kogi Federal Constituency, Hon. Ibrahim Shaba mourns the death of Rear Admiral Ibrahim Idrisu, whose demise took place yesterday.

The Lawmaker in a statement, described the death as shocking, be lamented that a huge gap has been cancelled created by the demise.

Hon. Shaba described late Idrisu Ibrahim as a rallying points for the people of Lokoja, said he proved in all ramifications that he was a prominent son of Lokoja whose passion remains unquantifiable.

The Lawmaker said the late Ibrahim Idrisu would be remembered for courage, standing for the good of Lokoja, said he will be greatly missed for his positive impact to the people of Lokoja.

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Hon. Shaba condole with the people of Lokoja, particularly HRH, the Maigari of Lokoja, Alh. Muhammed Kabir Maikarfi 111, prayed God to grant the deceased family and several others the fortitude to bear the very unfortunate loss.

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