Birthday: Northern Ladies Network Felicitates with Alhaji Shuaibu Abubakar Audu


Alhaji Shuaibu Abubakar Audu has been described as a philanthropist per excellent, worthy of wearing the shoes of his father, Prince Abubakar Audu.

Hajiya Ramatu Mohammed, President Northern Ladies Network, stated this in a message of felicitations with Alhaji Shuaibu on his birthday.

Hajiya Ramatu in a statement issued to newsman described Alhaji Shuaibu as a worthy son of the State and worthy of emulation, said his birthday is worth celebrating.

The Northern Ladies Network commended Alhaji Shuaibu for sinking boreholes across the twenty one local government areas of the state, described his generousity as second to none.

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The Network prayed for God to grant him the opportunity to Step into the governorship seat of the State, described him as someone who has what it takes like his father to move the state to the next level of development.

The Network prayed for many more years of celebration for Alhaji Shuaibu, wished him good health, long life and prosperity.

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