Noah Ark by the riverside for the EXODUS.
Alfred, Ahmed, GYB is a moving train. Let me narrate the meaning and story of a name.
YAHAYA in one of the books of religion, Islam. Yahaya means long life and perseverance is the gateway to victory.
The first that bears it as a name is the son of Prophet Zakariya as Yohana or Yahaya.
When one takes analysis of the above, he will come to the fact that GYB is destined to be first in many fortunate things in life, and in the light of the above, all the in board of the Alfred/Ahmed’s caravan are volunteers in perseverance of “OPERATION YOUTH STORM FOR GYB AS PRESIDENT” Lets put to all kogites that the emerging GYB seeking to be president is not only a generational change but a complete crusade for paradigm shift and a fundamental revolutionary purpose at this era of “NOT TOO YOUNG TO RUN” Youth you keep on moving.
Champions of the generational changes, Alfred, left, Ahmed, right. They are the symbols of a good start that makes all the difference in where we are today nationwide.
Keep the spirit. The dou have seen the horizons and they are going to there, let’s follow them until we reach there, which is Villa with GYB our choice already as the president. God’s grace. B
Hon. Abdulmalik Ibrahim Arewa.