Kogi Governorship: I am the most qualified for the job – Asiwaju Asiru Idris


Says I’m coming to implement the 32 year Kogi development plan


A Frontline aspirant for the April 14th governorship primary of All Progressive Congress, APC in Kogi State, Asiwaju Ashiru Idris has given reasons for his aspiration, says he is most qualified for the job.

Asiwaju said having closely understudied the implementation of the Gov. Yahaya Bello’s administration, says in terms of competence, capacity and pedigree, he stands better qualified for the job

Asiru, a former Commissioner for Finance, budget and Economic Planning said that he is offering himself for the position of governorship to enable him continue with the implementation of the 32 year development plan of the new direction administration of the present Governnent of Alhaji Yayaha Bello.

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Asiru was speaking on Monday at a parley with members of press at the NUJ Secretariat in Lokoja, urged the APC delegates to look in his direction as the most qualified, having interacted with them through several platform in governance.

“I have been a part of the development of the 32 years development plan of the state launched recently and as a contributor, I know the content in and out and I have been working on how best it can be implemented since it was launched”.

According to him, “I can tell you authoritatively that the development plan is all encompassing, in terms of vision for taking the state to the next level of development, it contains plans for job creation, entrepreneurship, power generation and supply health, education critical infrastructure and general welfare”.


He said that the implementation of these noble objectives would for the fulcrum of his administration if given the opportunity to be the governor come January 27th 2024.

He said he is the most qualified for the job considering the principle of power rotation as the other two districts, East and Central have had their turns, however says he has acquired the capacity and experience needed to consolidate on the giant strides achievements of Gov Bello.

He called on delegates to give him their votes come April 14th to enable equitably distribute the dividends of democracy Which the new Direction administration of Governor Bello started.

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The former Finance Commissioner assured of infrastructure as well as human capital development, promising to justify the confidence that would be reposed on him.

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