CCWGDF Makes Recommendations To Government, Academic Institutions Towards ending GBV.


Towards preventing Gender-based violence in academic institutions, the Executive Director, Chachavivi Women and Girl Child Development Foundation, Ms. Halima Oiza Sadiq has called on Institutions of learning to put in place a system that makes the learning environment safe for every one especially for the females.


The Executive Director made the recommendation following a robust discussion and outcome of a radio program held on Grace 95.5 FM hosted by Chachavivi Women and Girl Child Development Foundation (CCWGDF) in Partnership with Kogi State Ministry of Environment on “Preventing Gender-based violence in academic institutions.

The Rector Kogi State Polytechnic, Dr. Salisu Usman Ogbo and Mr Friday Ominyi Ogezi, a development expert were guests on the program, with the Executive Director expressing appreciation to the duo for their robust presentation on ending GBV in Academic Institutions.

She particularly praised Dr. Ogbo for his courage in curbing GBV and sexual harassment in his institution, says it remains commendable.

Ms Halima called on the State Government, Heads of academic institutions at all level to look into the following Recommendations as outcome of the Radio Program as it would go a long way in curbing GBV.

Some of the recommendation she noted include:

(1) Recruitment process that would ensure that staff and students of worthy character are employed and admitted.

(2) Signing a code of conduct and sexual harassment document binding on everybody including staff and students.

(3) Having a dedicated gender desk officer in institutions of learning and an effective channel of reporting to seek redress

(4) Awareness creation among students and staff on sanctions for violators and perpetrators.

(5) Institutions of learning should deliberately adopt inclusion in its programme where females and males are given equal opportunities.

The Radio Program is a follow up to the weekly Radio Campaign Program @ Grace 95.5 FM Lokoja, with the Executive Director expressing appreciation to the guest speakers for exhustively analysing the subject matter.

Ms. Halima applauded the Rector for taking it upon himself to ensure that Gender-based violence is fought tooth and nail with perpetrators brought to book in his institution”.