The visionary leaders are those that truly understand the game of politics and leadership beyond material things. Throwing our weight behind visionary leaders means that we are ready to move up to the next level of progressivism where qualitative governance meets infrastructural development.
It’s high time we shift our attention away from those garrulous leaders who are full of themselves without looking back on the needs of the electorates talkless of those that stood by them during the course of seeking for public office.
Visionary leaders like Honourable Sunday Karimi will never look down on anyone in the society no matter the age, race, status, religion or stature of their people. The main reason why a community will remain under developed can be traceable to the absence of visionary leaders because what visionary leaders are majorly concerned and focused on is how to restructure the entire face of their community without leaving any stone unturned while the looters will always be finding ways of how to amass wealth to themselves by dipping their hands into the government purse as a result of personal aggrandizement.
Visionary leaders are not hard to find but we’ve make do away with that as an electorates due to what we want to gain or eat which is not suppose to be so. After election a lot of people do go about complaining about abandoned projects and all sorts, forgetting that they are the one that called for it.
We must always stand for the truth and not let what we want to eat or gain to ruin our future and that of our society. Material things don’t last and that’s what majority failed to understand and key into. I believe that there are still thousand of visionary leaders like Honourable Sunday Karimi out there with better aims and agenda for their society and people at large.
Until we understand that we electorates are the problem of this nation and not the government that’s when we will be able to move forward. Some even prefer to stay indoor during the electioneering period and at the end they happens to be the number one complainant.
Politics and leadership position are not for the feeble minded individuals rather we need technocrats like Hon Sunday Karimi who are committed to the service of their people and nation. No nation can develop when the leaders are totally weak in their thoughts and actions.
Honourable Sunday Karimi is a Man of action
My brothers and sisters we must continue to stand on the verge of truth, and it will also be good for us if we can shun all manners of Campaign of CALUMNY and Support the good Candidature of Honourable Sunday Karimi for prosperous and greater Kogi West Senatorial district come 2023.
Support and Vote Honourable Sunday Karimi and all APC Candidates for Qualitative and Egalitarian representation.
Insha Allahu
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