2023: Our Campaign style uses performance, achievements, not attack, destruction – Engr. Abubakar Ohere.


The All Progressives Congress Flagbearer For Kogi Central Senatorial District, Engr. Abubakar Ohere has assured members of the party in the district that the party’s style of campaign is different from the opposition political parties, said the APC will continue to use performances of the party as campaign tool in the coming election.

Engr. Ohere made the disclosure while thanking God for the successful visit of President Mohammadu Buhari to the State to Commission several legacy projects, said while the APC style of campaign is to show performances, expressed worries that that of the opposition is to show attack and destruction.

The APC Flagbearer said the APC and the opposition parties are not the same, said the APC is showcasing what it has in terms of performances in wooing the Grassroots.


The APC Flagbearer expressed worries that the opposition is already showing a picture of what it wants to do in the forthcoming February election, however assured that the APC will continue to showcase performances, achievements and what it has done to win overwhelmingly in the forthcoming general election.

The APC Flagbearer expressed satisfaction with the commendation made by President Buhari that he is impressed with the performances of Governor Yahaya Bello, said such excellent remarks coming from the President is not a mean achievement.

Engr. Ohere explained that the administration in the State has worked to reposition Kogi state as an investment hub, praised Governor Bello for providing the much desired gains of democracy for the people.

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He lauded the establishment of the Confluence University of Science and Technology at Asara, the Rice mill in Ejiba, hospitals in Idah, Kabba and Okene, construction of roads in the three senatorial districts, GYB model secondary schools among others.

The APC Flagbearer lauded the Ganaja flyover project, the first of its kind in Kogi state, said thus far, he makes bold to State that Gov. Bello has surpassed his campaign promises.

While pointing out that Governor Bello has done well in the areas of security and projects execution in the state, expressed appreciation that Gov. Bello has made the State proud on all fronts.

Engr. Ohere commended Gov. Bello for the Agassa -Upogoro- Benin road project, the new Ohinoyi Palace, the Reference Hospital projects amongst others that were commissioned yesterday as what has sent fears into the camp of the opposition political parties, described the state as APC compliant.

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While noting that the Muhammadu Buhari square in Lokoja, as well as modern security vehicles equipped with the state of the art equipment commissioned in Lokoja to fight crime and criminalities remains unprecedented, described the State as one on the right track of development.

The APC Flagbearer described the administration of Gov Bello as one that has surpassed all administration’s on all fronts, said the State has never had it this good, congratulated Gov. Bello for a successful host of Mr. President.

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