2 parts that women love to be held the most


Life is a very funny tale. Everybody has his or her likes and everyone has his or her dislikes. At all times we’re not the same at all costs. We have to understand the fact that we are naturally different and we all have something that suits us best.

But there are also some aspects that we are the same. This happens especially with gender. Women have some aspects in common and also men have theirs in common.

For women there are some parts that they love to be held most. One of these parts is the face and head. These women always feel comfortable when you massage them on their faces with your hands. They just feel comfortable and for sure they’ll be able to love you when you do so.


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Another is their hands. Hold her fingers and talk to her. Tell her that you love her and for sure she will love you forever.

As men always normalize holding these women on these said parts.

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    • Ryan_Bryan1d


    • ThankgodBen1d

      how sure are you?


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