2022: ‘A year of acceleration’, insecurity will cease in Nigeria – Okonkwo *Says the restoration of the glory of Nigeria begins


Success Nwogu

The Presiding Bishop of The Redeemed Evangelical Mission, Dr Mike Okonkwo, has said that 2022 is a year of acceleration for Christians and Nigeria as a nation.
Speaking to journalists after a crossover service at TREM international headquarters, Anthony Oke, Gbagada Expressway, Lagos on Saturday, he said the security challenge in Nigeria will stop.
He stated that God will restore, from 2022, Nigeria’s lost glory.
Okonkwo said, “The security challenge in Nigeria is going to stop because strange things are going to take place within the year that everyone will begin to take its place and know that the game is up. We can not continue the way it is.
“2022 is a year of acceleration. God told me that He is going to speed up a lot of things in 2022 for his people in different areas. Most of the things that they depended upon have failed. Now He is set to turn things around and make them faster for them and most of the things they have lost will be recovered beginning from this year. It is going to be a progressive thing and ongoing.
“Those who want to resettle abroad should have a rethink, except it is absolutely necessary (for them to leave the country) because Nigeria is turning the corner that we have been praying and expecting over the years. Things have gone to ground zero of this country and every person believes that except God intervenes, and God now is set to turn things because a lot of systems are now going to be put in place to ensure that Nigeria arrives at that very destination that it supposes to be.
“So beginning from this year, a lot of things are going to take place that will signal this new direction that will take place. It became stronger to me a few weeks ago. I remember one of the services that we held, God told me the same thing, where I warned people who are travelling out to be careful, never to disconnect completely from the nation because the nation is going to turn for the better. Last Sunday again, it came very strongly, so it is like He is repeating the same thing He is saying that Nigeria is going to change for the better.
“For those who will remain in the country, they should ensure that their relationship with God is intact because it is not just about your effort, degree or connection, ensure that your connection with God is intact and God will ensure and see to it that even the things you have lost, you will recover it.”
The bishop warned fraudulent politicians in Nigeria that the game was up for them. He stated that the nation’s electoral system will change for the better.
Okonkwo said, “2022 is a year before the 2023 general election, politicians should know that gone are the days where they can manipulate Nigerians. Even though a lot of people are passing through difficulties and challenges, presently Nigerians are becoming politically savvy. They now understand that it is not about a bag of rice or salt, that it is about the lives that they are talking about. It is not about Muslim or Christian, it is about who can deliver the dividends of democracy.
“So they know the importance of voting wisely and that they can not just cast it anyhow. So gone are the days of trying to buy people’s conscience and then continue as we used to do. Nigeria will not continue the way it used to be. It is not about buying votes, it is not about manipulating the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). The two last elections: the Edo State Governorship election and the Anambra Governorship election are pointers that a change is coming. You will notice there were a lot of things and that the tables were shaking and things did not go the way people expected they would have gone. Those are pointers. So 2023 will not be business as usual. From now, (2022), God will ensure that He will put things in place that will make us get to that place He has ordained for us.”
Speaking to his congregation during the crossover service, the bishop said Nigeria has been in the wilderness for long but that God will make the country regain its pride of place among the comity of nations.
He also told them that God will prosper them in 2022 and admonished them to be close to God, live a godly life, exhibit charity, maintain fellowship and shun all negative tendencies.
Okonkwo said, “From 2022, we are turning the corner as a nation. From 2022 onwards, the restoration of the glory of this country begins. We have been in the wilderness experience for too long, God said that from 2022 (things will change for the better for Nigeria) and to signal it, a lot of strange things will happen in quick succession. Some strange things will happen that will signal what I am telling you. So mark it down.
“System is coming in place and you are going to see suddenly that all the violence, all the bloodshed, all the fear, and all the kidnappings will suddenly cease. Where did it come from? Get ready.
“I am excited. If I am not sure that God will turn this country around, I would have been the first to bail out and run away. I do not believe in wasting time on something that I know will fail. But God is taking over the seat. Suffice it to tell you as I said last Sunday that unless you are specifically told to relocate, do not relocate. Nigeria is not going to remain like this. This is a great country. In a football match, do you go and buy somebody who does not know how to play? Who do you buy? You buy the person who is going to score goal(s).
“The enemy is attacking us ferociously because of what we carry as a nation. Nations of the world are afraid of Nigeria but unfortunately, we are the ones that do not know what we have. Modern nations know what we have. People say ‘Nigeria is not good, Nigeria is not good,’ but the planes are loaded every day. Foreigners are coming to Nigeria every day. Why are people coming to Nigeria? What are they looking for? May God open your eyes. You will not be lost in the crowd.”
He added, “Because of false prophecies, sorceries, divinations, enchantment and familiar spirit that have been all-time high and have held sway for too long in our society, God said there will be unusual manifestations of His power. There will be a sudden surge of prophetic utterances. The word of knowledge, word of wisdom discerning of spirit will become the order of the day and will be poured among His people to be able to distinguish between the false and true prophecies. Because there is an intense occult manifestation and a lot of young people are doubting the existence of God. “Young people, hear me, you have a very bright and colourful future and the enemy understands this because you are the generation that will give a black eye to the devil and the devil has seen this ahead of time and wants to destroy your future. Listen, God is still God. He is the Almighty. Do not let the devil to deceive you from your commitment to God. This is your season of manifestation. From among you shall arise people who will enter the global platform. They will be established in such a way that the world will wonder where these people are from. It is your time.
“God is taking back the centre stage and it is important for everyone to be intentional in his relationship with God. God is coming back to show Himself strong in the midst of His children. Everyone’s commitment must be total. There can be no assumption. You can not stand on the fence. You must take a definite stand for God. Do not miss your moment. This is a very strategic moment. This is your moment which you have been waiting for.
“These are strange times we are going into. Keep more attention to God because there will be increased opportunities to make excuses. And no excuse will suffice. There will be increased opportunities for you to give excuses why you will not be committed, excuses why you are not there when you are needed. There will be increased opportunities this year, no excuse will suffice. It is a decision of quality that you must take by yourself.
“There will be instant personal breakthroughs in different areas of your lives’s endeavour. (There will be) greater exposition of false ministries and occult practises. They will be exposed in such a way that they will be clear to everyone. Those who are making merchandise of the sacredness should step out of the pulpit. Time is up!
“Guard your faith jealously. Do not forget the assembly of the brethren as we are in the end times. The devil wants to isolate you but we need ourselves than ever before. Two is better than one.”
“You must never allow yourself to have a victim mentality. You are not a victim in 2022. You must enter the year with a winning attitude. No matter what is coming against you, as far as heaven’s economy is concerned, you are already a winner. When you have that mentality, then your speed will increase. But as long as you see yourself with a defeatist attitude and mentality, you will never have the nerve to be able stand the challenge that is facing you.
“There will be unveiling of the treasures of darkness and hideen riches of secret places that is going to lunch some people into billionnaires. God said He is going give to us the treasures of darkness and hidden treasures of secret places and this is the time, our celebration time. He is going to do it for us and some of you suddenly find yourselves in a status you never thought of.
“God has a book of remembrace. He will never forsake His own. Get ready, distinction is coming. They will see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve the Lord and those who do not.
“They said, ‘If you can not beat them, join them.’ No! Do not join them, you can beat them. You will beat them. When you live a life of no compromise, there will be promotion. Irrespective of what comes against you, and you make up your mind that you will not compromise, when you live your live like that, I can assure you, you will be promoted by God and when God promotes you, no one can put you down.
“We live in a country today where everyone wants to be like the other, people say “since nothing happened to this one, I will follow the same example.” No! You must live a life of the light of the world and salt of the earth. You must choose to be different. Joseph had an opportunity not to be different but he chose to be different and he was promoted in a foreign land. Daniel had the same opportunity but he chose to be different and he was promoted. So God knows how to promote you. You do not have to join people who do evil.
“Make generosity your lifestyle. Do not be stingy. Make giving your lifestyle. And when it comes to God, trust Him. Do not cut corners. Trust God to see you through. Trust Him to put food on your table, clothe on your body, shelter over your head and money in your pocket. Trust God, do not steal, do not cut corners. Darkness can never cover light.
“You must expect divine intervention at every challenge you face in life. The obvious manifestation of God’s grace upon our life will become obvious and a common place.”

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