An Open Letter To African Union Heads of Governments
By Sen. Anthony Agbo
The declaration of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin That Jesus Christ and Mother Mary were black.
Attention: HE, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu
In the month of March this year, 2024, the wide world woke up to what I should describe as the most sensational news/official revelation of the last one thousand years; being the unveiling of Christian historical iconography, with the declaration that Jesus Christ and the Mother Mary were black, by no less a person than the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. This unexpected, unimagined and never-suspected disclosure by Vladimir Putin, in all ramifications represents a momentous, epic event of seismic proportion, which should keep the whole world and particularly the African Continent talking and in activity hysteria for a reasonably long time.
But why is everybody silent on this hyper-sensitive matter? Where are the voices of African political leaders? Where are the African intellectuals? Where are Africa’s numerous citadels of learning? Where are the incandescent voices of Africa’s top religious leaders? And where are the voices of global black diaspora?
Vladimir Putin is not just a President of a Country; he is the President of the great nation of Russia, which was a transmutation of the former Soviet Union, which also was a monstrous mutant of a one-time sprawling global Russian empire that covered over 21 million square kilometers of the earth.
Russia, under President Vladimir Putin, through the defunct Soviet Union, and their ancestor mega nation, the defunct Russian Empire has been and have remained a global Superpower, which together with the great United States of America and her sister nation, Britain are custodians of topmost global secrets, as well as the most sensitive and sensational facts and information that spread across the infinite boundary of time of world history and civilization.
Vladimir Putin’s declaration/revelation on black Jesus and Mary should not be ignorantly viewed as just a Christian or religious affair, rather the revelation mightily has everything to do with global civilization, global identity, global honour, respect, regard and self-esteem, and the resultant power and authority associated with same. Indeed, for a people that are sensitive to their image, identity and standing in global affairs, this singular ultra-sensitive and hyper-sensational disclosure should instantly shoot the Continent and its people into the centre of global affairs.
Hence, for any nation or a people that are ambitious in the global stage and are conscious of their greatness, respect, honour and relevance in a fiercely competitive world, this manner of disclosure as done by Vladimir Putin should instantly spark off a sustained resonant beehive of continental activities, including an organized, cross current of multivariate information wave that will begin to implant a new consciousness in the hearts and minds of the citizens of the nations involved.
Leading a nation and a people unto greatness does not solely revolve around provision of infrastructure, but also has much to do with identification and sustained projection of any factor that improves the identity, respect, relevance and honour of the nation and its people on the global stage.
It is therefore in the light of the above highlights on this sensational global development that I wish to humbly advice/suggest as follows:
1. AFRICAN UNION heads of governments, OR the Nigerian Government on its own, should set up a high-powered delegation that comprises intellectuals, relevant academics, enlightened top religious leaders (that include both Christians and Muslims) and government officials to meet with the Russian government, to get firsthand information on this matter, and possibly including some other possible sensitive global secrets that are contingent upon or that affect Africans.
2. Interdenominational Religious leaders of the African Continent, OR those of Nigeria should be made to meet and deliberate on this matter to come up with a unified position that should be the stand of African Christianity/African Church on the matter which should be adopted and practiced across Board.
3. African media practitioners should be made to be agog in periodic discuss and dissemination of this disclosure to the citizens.
4. African/Nigerian citadels of learning should begin to make this matter a hot subject of discuss, conferences and seminars in their various institutions.
It is therefore with utmost humility, honour and patriotism that I hereby appeal to the AFRICAN UNION, Heads of Governments and particularly the Nigerian President, HE Sen. Bola Ahmed Tinubu, to kindly give consideration to the above matter and the attendant suggestions thereof.
Yours Very Sincerely,
Sen. Anthony Agbo
(Nigerian Citizen, Ebonyi State)
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