Ex. Dir. DCI, Mrs Roselne Alabi Commends Kogi Assembly Members For Support.

Ex. Dir. DCI, Mrs
Roselne Alabi Commends Kogi Assembly Members For Support.


The Executive Director, Dual Care and HIV Prevention Initiative, Mrs. Roseline Alabi has sent a message of commendation to the Speaker and Members of the Kogi State House of Assembly for their support to DCI.

Mrs. Roseline in a statement of commendation, issued to Newsmen, described the support which led to providing foodstuffs to the less privileged and vulnerable, expressed her heartfelt gratitude.

” I want to commend the Speaker and Members of the State Assembly ‘.

” The DCI has taken delivery of the support of the lawmakers, which led to providing Palliatives to vulnerable “.

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” Words have failed me in expressing my thoughts and appreciation. It is my prayers that the Almighty God will replenish their pockets.

Mrs. Roselne described the Lawmakers support as noble, said it was the first of it kind

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