Amb. Seyi Congratulates New Ministers Over Successful Screening


Ambassador Seyi Tinubu has congratulated the newly screened 45 ministerial nominees by the national assembly.


Disclosing this to newsmen on Wednesday in Abuja on behalf of Amb. Seyi, Comrade Musa Ibrahim who doubles as the secretary of Ambition For Good Initiatives, noted the challenges facing the nation at the moment of their nominations and successful screening by the national assembly but was optimistic that the ministers possess the leadership character and experience to deliver on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s avowed mantra of renewed hope with much responsibilities towards national socio-economic and political renewal.

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Seyi enjoined the ministers to join hands with Mr. President in addressing the daunting task of rebuilding the nation for a new lease of life for the people.

“This is a momentous time in our national history with great promise and we rejoice with you,” he said, adding that, “With enough and past records and experience of the newly screened ministers, we are confident that you’re going to bring your rich ideas and initiatives to the federal executive council head by our amiable president Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

“Although the task ahead is daunting in view of our national challenges, we have no doubt in our minds that your leadership character and experience will make a difference for the betterment of all Nigerians.

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“On our part, we are committed to supporting president Bola Ahmed Tinubu, along the path of reviving the economy, insecurity, job creation and arrest the scourge of corruption etc.

“I congratulate you all and wish you the best as you take up the responsibilities and challenges of your high offices.”
Musa Ibrahim

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