Independence: Dr John Akinsanya charge Nigerians @62; says This House must not fall.


In a good will message; Dr John Akinsanya has felicitated with Nigerians on the 62nd independence anniversary of the nation.


Dr John message read in parts; our 62nd anniversary reminds us of our common struggle and history as a nation. despite our regional, ethnic and language diversities some how, we hav Remained bounded and have in togetherness conquered the threats and temptations to be separated.

On this 62nd anniversary of our dear nation, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate all Nigerians for the milestone achievements of victory and progress attained in the last 62 years of our history, Akinsanya added that, although we mighty have not reached our desired destination but ofcourse we are not where we use to be, despite the hurdles on our way, as a strong people and nation we have struggled to uphold a one Nigeria.

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The Maiyegun of the Yorubas in Kano added that; going forward we must uphold the ideals that has held us bound in unity and love in the last 62 years adding that this house Nigeria must not fall.

He urged all Nigerians to remain patriotic and hopeful that the nation is on the verge of taking its lead position globally.

Akinsanya prayed for Nations leaders to continue to lead us right and asked that God restore peace and progress to our great Nation.

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