Ejeh Of Ankpa Kingdom – A Monarch with Difference: Kogi Deputy Speaker Sends Birthday Message


The Deputy Speaker Kogi State House of Assembly and member representing The good people of Ankpa 1 State Constituency, Rt. Hon. Ahmed Mohammed has congratulated the Ejeh of Ankpa Kingdom, His Royal Highness Alhaji Abubakar Sediq Ahmed Yakubu On His Birthday.

In his felicitation posted on his official page, Rt. Hon. Ahmed Mohammed describes the first class monarch as Father of all whose tenure has facilitated unprecedented growth and development to Ankpa Kingdom. He also explained that the reign of Ejeh Abubakar Sediq Ahmed Yakubu has been characterized with peace, progress and success for all his offspring’s. “Ejeh is not just an ordinary monarch, due to his love and interest in the welfare of indigenes and residents of Ankpa Kingdom” he has been a rare gem and a king with distinction.

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He also felicitated with members of Ankpa traditional Council for witnessing another birthday of the traditional ruler in good health and urged them not to relent in their support for him. He called on all sons and daughters of Ankpa to continue to support the monarch to achieve more success.

Rt. Hon. Ahmed Mohammed who have been contributing to socio economic development of Ankpa promised to continue to contribute more irrespective of any situation…. Continue reading

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