Heroic Welcome: Amb. Oladele John Nihi Received at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport Abuja by Hundreds of Nigerian Youth



The international arrival terminal of the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport Abuja, went agog yesterday the 18th of November 2021; as hundreds of Nigerian Youth far-across the country trooped out in their numbers to welcome the newly elected Vice President Pan-African Youth Union (PYU) West Africa, Amb. Oladele John Nihi back to the country, after a week long trip to Niamey Niger Republic where the 4th Extraordinary Elective Congress of the union was hosted by the country’s president, President Sem Mohamed Bazo from 15th-16th November 2021.

Amb. Oladele John Nihi who arrived in the company of other Nigerian delegates; the Director Network and Social Mobilisation(NSM), the Ministry’s Desk Officer, Sir Ben Duntoye,The former PYU President, and Amb. Sukubo Sara-igbe Sukubo, the President National Youth Council of Nigeria(NYCN), was not expecting to be received in such an atmosphere.

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In his remarks while addressing members of the press present at the scene, the newly elected number one youth in West Africa appreciated the Nigerian Government and President Muhammadu Buhari, the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development and her perfect-pilot, Hon. Sunday Dare. And lastly the Executive Governor of Kogi State, Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello, for finding him worthy to be nominated to fly the country’s flag to represent Nigeria at the continental level.

“I want to thank the Nigerian youth for their confidence in me, and the African Youth for voting in mass for me at the just concluded elective congress of the Pan-African Youth Union in Niamey Niger Republic, where I just emerged as the number two youth in Africa, and the number one youth in West Africa. It is a big honor to me and also a very big honor to Nigeria.


“Above all, I want to thank everyone that is here to welcome us to Nigeria. The marmot crowd here is a testament that the Nigerian youth are happy for what we have done, and the victory we brought back home.

“We are promising that we will not disappoint them, we will continue to fly the Nigerian flag very high at the continental level, and most importantly to always represent Nigeria outrightly in service to West African youth, even as we build the Africa we want in line with African Union Agenda 2063.” Amb. Nihi reacted.

Present at the airport was the Little Miss Nigeria, Queen Angelica Ituma, who presented the welcome bouquet to Amb. Oladele John Nihi as a symbol of appreciation by Nigerian Youth for accepting the call on him to serve in such a tasking capacity.
Also present were Heads of youth organizations, international NGOs, representative of the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), Representatives of the Federal Ministry of Youth and Sports Development, and members of Voluntary Youth Organizations.

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Kelvin Oluseyi Eleta,
Spokesperson, Oladele John Nihi
Campaign Team.
18th November, 2021.

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