Kogi: NALDA inspects land for Cluster Agricultural Settlement scheme


….scheme to employ 3000 youths in crop farming, animal husbandry – Kogi gov

Governor of Kogi State, Alhaji Yahaya Bello on Thursday received a delegation from the National Agricultural Land Development Authority, NALDA led by the Executive Secretary Prince Paul Ikonne.


The team were in the state to assess the land made available by the Kogi State Government for the Federal Government’s Cluster Agricultural Settlement Scheme

The Team were after then under the directives of the governor led by the Chief of Staff, Pharmacist Abdulkareem Jamiu to inspect the designated land while discussions were intimated on the proposed outcome of the project.

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Pharm. Abdulkareem Jamiu in the company of the Chairman of Ajaokuta Local Government, Hon. Mustapha Akaaba acknowledged his boss’s unwavering commitment towards ensuring Food Security not only in Kogi State but also in the entire country.

“The project according to the design when completed, will employ over 3000 youths in crop farming and Animal husbandry. Due to the strategic position of the state in the country, an Agricultural market will be built and this will go way to settle the unending and unfortunate crisis between Northern Farmers selling their produce in the South, as the market will produce a conducive environment for farmers and traders to converge and do business” he stressed

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He further stated that the influence of Governor Yahaya Bello has led to the project receiving the blessings of Mr President as workers would be mobilized to site as soon as possible

while he appreciated the NALDA team on their assessment visit and promised that all hands would be on deck for the speedy actualization of the project.

Responding, the Executive Secretary of NALDA, Prince Ikome commended the Kogi State Government for their timeliness and zeal towards the accomplishment of the Cluster Agricultural Settlement Scheme, while he assured the State Government of NALDA’s support to help the project come to fruition.

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He also guaranteed that the NALDA would provide the state government with available resources to harness this agricultural “goldmine” through the provision of adequate professional and material support.

He further charged the State Government to get the data of unemployed youths willing to try their hands on Agriculture as they would be involved from the initial state to the completion of the project.

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